[Interest] Qml Text baseline issue with verticalAlignment

Wehmer, Matthias Matthias.Wehmer at draeger.com
Wed Aug 12 15:10:27 CEST 2015

Hi everybody,


I have the following issue with, that can be produced with this minimal


    Rectangle {

        color: "white"

        anchors.fill: parent


        Text {

            anchors {

                top: parent.top

                bottom: parent.bottom


            text: "Some text."


            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignBottom

            font.pointSize: 40

            fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit


            Rectangle {

                anchors {

                    top:    parent.baseline

                    left:   parent.left

                    right:  parent.right


                height: 1


                color: "blue"





So when scaling the height of the rectangle, you will see the bottom anchor
changing, i.e. the text is correctly placed at the bottom. Anyhow, the
baseline (in this example the blue line) does not move when the text has
already been scaled to its maximum size. When decreasing the height of the
rectangle, the baseline jumps to the correct position.

This seems to be a bug. Does anyone have an idea how to workaround this?


Thanks for your help!

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