[Interest] Porting from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine

Jean-Francois Dockes jf at dockes.org
Fri Aug 14 20:18:10 CEST 2015


I am trying to port two GUI applications from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine
(recoll and upplay). 

I had a look at the porting page
(https://wiki.qt.io/Porting_from_QtWebKit_to_QtWebEngine is that it ?), but
I am blocking on an issue which does not seem to be mentionned: there
does not seem to be a way to hijack QtWebEngine link clicks so that they
are handled by the Qt C++ application code.

This was available in both the venerable QTextBrowser and in QWebPage, and
very useful for using the widgets as user interface elements displaying
application data and allowing user interaction (as opposed to just
being a wrapped web browser).

Am I missing something (probable) or am I the only one who ever used
page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks) ?



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