[Interest] Using qmake custom targets to procude a package

Roland Winklmeier roland.m.winklmeier at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 13:33:28 CEST 2015

2015-06-16 15:48 GMT+02:00 Roland Winklmeier <roland.m.winklmeier at gmail.com>

> Hey there,
> I'm currently looking into packaging solutions for a Qt5 application. I
> was playing around with the Qt Installer Framework 2.0.1 and so far it
> works nicely. The package consists of a main application and several
> optional components (source package, samples, plugins). The build product
> folder structure looks similar to this
> build/bin/<app and sample binaries>
> build/bin/qss/<style sheets>
> build/bin/plugins/<custom application plugins>
> ...
> In QtIFW I defined several components to let the user decide what he wants
> to install:
> packages/io.qt.root
> packages/io.qt.root.qt5
> packages/org.application.root
> packages/org.application.root.base
> packages/org.application.root.samples
> packages/org.application.root.plugins
> ....
> The problem I'm facing now is the transition from build directory to
> package directory. I could write a python script which splits binaries up
> and sorts them into their desired package folder. This seems to be the
> standard solution, but also the biggest effort.
> I wonder if there is any easier and nicer solution within qmake? Ideally I
> would be able to define the target folder in each *.pro file and run 'make
> package' in the end. Has somebody tried this?
> I didn't want to use the INSTALL commands, since that should install in
> the final folder structure and not into a package structure.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers R

Anyone? I was sure this is a common problem and some best practices are
available. Ideally Qt/qmake and QtIFW work closely together and support
each other, e.g. qmake has means to create the data package structure QtIFW
is expecting. I'm probably missing something and the solution is easy.
How do other projects solve this problem?

Cheers R.
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