[Interest] How to prevent scroll changing QComboBox index when mouse hovers?

Reinhardt Behm rbehm at hushmail.com
Thu Aug 20 15:03:58 CEST 2015

On Thursday 20 August 2015 12:55:12 Edward Sutton wrote:
> If user hovers mouse cursor (with out clicking) over a QComboBox and scrolls
> the mouse wheel the combo index scrolls.  This is unexpected behavior for
> both OS X and Windows users.  The result is to cause users to make
> unintentional changes in my app.
> Is there an easy way to prevent this unexpecetd behavior?
> Or does it require replacing al QComboBox items with a derived version that
> filters events?
> -Ed

Install an eventFilter on the QComboBox?

Best Regards

Reinhardt Behm

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