[Interest] Accessing QML Loader from C++

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 05:40:18 CEST 2015

Hello List:

Does anybody have an idea on how to retrieve the QObject* from C++
with a QML Loader::item property?

Is it possible to pass a item to Q_INVOCABLE and get a valid QObject*
inside the called
invoked function (from QML->C++)

Is there a risk of blowing memory if I setContextProperty( ) on the
QQmlContext of the Loader QML element?

There does not seem to be a QQmlContext::removeContextProperty( ) function
but the API does accept setContextProperty("myobj",NULL).

What is the way to manage memory usage used by setContextProperty( ) call.


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