[Interest] QML registration of Q_PROPERTIES of type QList<gadget *>

Sandro Andrade sandroandrade at kde.org
Mon Aug 24 06:40:03 CEST 2015

Hi there,

Since some previous Qt5 version, Q_PROPERTIES of type QList<QObject *>
are automatically registered for use in QML as models as well as
accessible from QJSEngine. Now I'd like to use Q_PROPERTIES of type
QList<gadget *> but those aren't automatically registered in QJSEngine
and also there is no QScriptEngine's qScriptRegisterSequenceMetaType
equivalent in QJSEngine.

Q_PROPERTIES with type QVariantList<gadget> work fine but they would
incur in a lot of overhead for keeping gadget's copies in memory.

Any hints regarding this?

Thanks in advance,

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