[Interest] Qt5.6 application : red and blue colors swapped

Florin Maticu flmati at airtame.com
Mon Aug 31 11:52:51 CEST 2015


I recently compiled *qt5.6* with the configuration bellow. I am having a
simple application that is using qtwebkit to display an url page on a lcd
display. The webpages displayed have red and blue colors swapped. The qt
engine is using the linux framebuffer.
If I set the number of bits per pixel to *16*, the webpages are properly
*echo 16 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/bits_per_pixel*

The number of bits per pixel by default is *24* and I would like to use
this value instead of 16.
I have also attached the framebuffer information bellow.

*qt 5.6 configuration options*
./configure -v -opensource -arch arm -opengl es2 -egl -no-fontconfig
-confirm-license -debug -verbose -device imx6 -device-option
CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu- -sysroot /home/fmaticu/sysroot
-optimized-qmake -reduce-exports -gstreamer 1.0

*Frame buffer information*
mode "1920x1080-60"
# D: 148.500 MHz, H: 67.500 kHz, V: 60.000 Hz
geometry 1920 1080 1920 2160 24
timings 6734 148 88 36 4 44 5
hsync high
vsync high
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0

Frame buffer device information:
Name : DISP3 BG
Address : 0x29400000
Size : 12441600
XPanStep : 1
YPanStep : 1
YWrapStep : 1
LineLength : 5760
Accelerator : No
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