[Interest] Do Camera.videoRecorder options matter?

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Wed Dec 2 23:49:45 CET 2015

I'm writing a QML app and am working on recording video. Previously we did images, which worked more or less as expected.

But I'm looking at the videoRecorder stuff and none of it seems to matter. 
I'm looking at: https://fossies.org/linux/qt-everywhere-opensource-src/qtmultimedia/src/plugins/avfoundation/camera/avfmediarecordercontrol.mm

Line 225: void AVFMediaRecorderControl::applySettings() is an empty function. I can't see where Qt is setting anything to the properties specified.

I'm trying to acquire video for limited-bandwidth uploads, so changing resolutions and framerates is important to me.

Or am I just not doing it correctly:
	Camera {
		id: camera
		position: Camera.FrontFace
		//captureMode: Camera.CaptureViewfinder
		captureMode: Camera.CaptureVideo
		videoRecorder {
			resolution: "640x480"
			frameRate: 20
			mediaContainer: "mp4"

It would also be nice to capture viewfinder frames as they would be cropped to WYSIWYG. (Portrait orientation (or aspect ratio on desktop), sized to height) whereas my OSX capture device captures landscape. 

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