[Interest] QML and ScrollView

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 01:07:53 CET 2015

I am trying to use a ScrollView in a QQuickWidget but the layout does not seem to be honoring what I am wanting. I have a bunch of “Label/TextField” pairs to the point where there are so many that I need them inside a scrollview. the issue is that if I do that then the TextFields which are set to fill in the rest of the row (inside a GridLayout) does not fill the row. If I remove the ScrollView then the TextField fills the remainder of the row?
  	Since this is my first foray into QML I am sure I am missing something obvious. this is with Qt 5.5.1 on OS X. I’ll post my 
Mike Jackson [imikejackson at gmail.com <mailto:imikejackson at gmail.com>]

 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import LeroyJsonStorage 1.0

Rectangle {

    // Make the background a bit darker
    color: "Light Gray"
    border.color: "Black"

        anchors.fill: parent
            height: 800

        GridLayout {
            columns: 2
            anchors.fill: parent
            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 0
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 0
                Layout.column: 1
                Layout.fillWidth: true

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 1
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 1

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 2
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 2

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 3
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 3

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 4
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 4

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 5
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 5

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 6
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 6

            Label {
                text: "Foo"
                Layout.row: 7
            TextField {
                text: "Bar"
                Layout.row: 7


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