[Interest] Testing with Windows Phone, first impressions

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Mon Jan 5 17:51:31 CET 2015

Should debugging work for WinRT x86_64?

Because apps seem to run ok on that too, and it is faster develop/test 
cycle since the deployment to phone is omitted.   But there is no 
debugger in that kit either so perhaps not supported by Microsoft?


On 05/01/2015 13:53, Kalinowski Maurice wrote:
> -Talking about debugging. Microsoft does not provide any debugging 
> interface for Windows Phone, hence we would need to either reverse 
> engineer or set up our own debugging infrastructure via Core 
> Connectivity. Both are tedious tasks and hope is that upcoming 
> releases will improve on the situation. Again, you can use Visual 
> Studio for debugging. If that fails, please create a bug report.

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