[Interest] QML: onLoaded signal for QQuickWindow or QQmlApplicationEngine

Ruslan Moukhlynin ruslan at khvmntk.ru
Mon Jan 12 07:37:50 CET 2015

Yes, I know about Component.onCompleted but I need to do that in C++ 
part. Let's say I cannot modify QML data - all I need is to load it and 
make screenshot of loaded data.

Btw, Component.onCompleted also not works. I guess at this moment, whet 
this event triggers, some data isn't ready yet.

12.01.2015 16:32, Dmitry Volosnykh пишет:
> Try to do that inside Component.onCompleted handler. Note that, however, if you use images located remotely, then you should wait them to be loaded.
> On Jan 12, 2015 9:17 AM, ruslan <ruslan at khvmntk.ru> wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> Is there any way to know when QML data was loaded into engine?
>> In my QML app I want to make a screenshot after all the source was loaded.
>> QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
>> engine.loadData(data);
>> QQuickWindow *rootObject = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(p_engine.rootObjects().first());
>> QImage image = rootObject->grabWindow();
>> image.save("window.png","PNG",90);
>> where data is simple QML file:
>> import QtQuick 2.3
>> import QtQuick.Window 2.2
>> Window {
>>      visible: true
>>      width: 360
>>      height: 360
>>      Text {
>>          anchors.centerIn: parent
>>          text: "Hello, world!"
>>      }
>>      MouseArea {
>>           anchors.fill: parent
>>           //onClicked: someSingleton.makeScreenshot();
>>      }
>> }
>> But image not saved just because it is empty. If I call QQuickWindow::grabWindow() from QML, for example, after clicking at MouseArea it works well.
>> So from this I conclude that when I call rootObject->grabWindow() it still not loaded completly yet. I've tried to call this function in this way:
>> connect(rootObject,&QQuickWindow::afterRendering,[=] () {
>> 	QImage image = rootObject->grabWindow();
>>          image.save("window.png","PNG",90);
>> });
>> But the program just hungs up in this slot and no image was saved.

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