[Interest] Best practices for making a Qt facade for a C library

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Wed Jan 14 00:26:13 CET 2015

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Dmitriy Purgin <dpurgin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm developing a small Qt project for SailfishOS (a Linux distribution,
> Meego descendant, Qt 5 based) and had to use some of PulseAudio (a sound
> server for POSIX OSes) API functions which are pure C. I've wrapped them in
> a couple of classes but it's evolving to something bigger now and I'm
> trying to detach these into a shared library which seems to become a basic
> PulseAudio binding. It's my first facading of a C library and I'm kind of
> stuck on the architecture now and hope that someone can share ideas on
> that.

Have you looked at the code generation done by QtGstreamer for glib stuff?
Not sure if it's any good, just want to make sure you know of it:

> So with the problem stated, my question is: does anyone know any "good
> practices" in designing this kind of relationships between classes or can
> share similar designs to look at? There's no technical problem for me to
> expose the inner parts of some classes to some other classes, I just
> wondered if there's a subtle way of doing this.

I wrap a C library and had a similar situation. My solution in this case
would be to give QtPulseAudioSource a new base class named something like
PulseAudioInterface. That class defines pa_context, it could possibly just
be a void pointer. It has a member variable for it and a
setPulseAudioContext method. Then QtPulseAudioContext would have a class
called something likeblessPulseAudioInterface. QtPulseAudioSource could
call it in its constructor.

In this way it is pretty hidden from users of the library, and
QtPulseAudioContext has zero deps on AudioSource.

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