[Interest] Qt Quick Compiler 2.0

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Mon Jan 19 22:49:35 CET 2015

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 5:37 AM, Nuno Santos <nunosantos at imaginando.pt>

> I have tried again and the crash is gone…
> I would still love to understand if this qt quick compiler will improve
> performance on iOS and Android. Couldn’t notice a perceptible difference
> after running it with.
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Nuno

The compiler improves performance in two ways: it does things at
compile-time instead of startup time. And since GCC or clang is producing
the machine code instead of the Qt JIT, it has better machine code, so it
improves overall performance.

But if your app performs well with JIT or interpreted it won't preform
preceptively better with the compiler. If your app is small enough that QML
overhead doesn't matter then you won't notice any difference. Or maybe your
app is network-bound, obviously compiling QML doesn't make the Internet go
faster. Etc.

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