[Interest] Living with 5.4.x QML QQuickPaintedItem/QQuickItem plugins

md at rpzdesign.com md at rpzdesign.com
Thu Jul 2 22:05:30 CEST 2015

Look at QTBUG-47003

If you want to compare the EXAMPLES in extending-qml with non enterprise 

On 7/2/2015 12:20 PM, Jason H wrote:
> Charts is commercial. Are you using the Commercial version?
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 02, 2015 at 1:46 PM
> *From:* "mark diener" <rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com>
> *To:* "interest at qt-project.org" <interest at qt-project.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Interest] Living with 5.4.x QML QQuickPaintedItem/QQuickItem plugins
> Plugins example still dies.
> Qt 5.5 - Examples/Qt-5.5/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter6-plugins/
> Debugging starts
> QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
> QML Debugger: Waiting for connection on port 49289...
> qrc:///app.qml:41:1: module "Charts" is not installed
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 9:39 AM, mark diener <rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com> wrote:
>      Same problem for IOS Simulator:
>      /macdev/qt542/Examples/Qt-5.4/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter6-plugins/
>      Triggers the same QML "installed" error...
>      Debugging starts
>      QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
>      QML Debugger: Waiting for connection on port 30001...
>      QQmlInspector: No plugins found.
>      qrc:///app.qml:41:1: module "Charts" is not installed
>      On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 9:32 AM, mark diener <rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com> wrote:
>          Looking at the  ../qt542/Examples/Qt-5.4/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/
>          project now for "installation" tips.
>          Qt examples may be suffering from the same "installation" problem:
>          Starting external tool "/macdev/qt542/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmlscene"
>          /macdev/qt542/Examples/Qt-5.4/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter6-plugins/app.qml
>          file:///macdev/qt542/Examples/Qt-5.4/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter6-plugins/app.qml:41
>          module "Charts" is not installed
>          "/macdev/qt542/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmlscene" finished
>          On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 8:43 AM, mark diener <rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com> wrote:
>              Hello:
>              There is lots of Qt documentation about Plugins.  Unfortunately,
>              there is no concise beginning to end example of a
>              QQuickItem/QQuickPaintedItem plugin.
>              How to build, how to install, useage in other projects, how to
>              deploy those projects, stumbling blocks....
>              Attached are 2 mini projects I would like to ultimately be put into
>              the the 5.4 examples code distribution.
>              The first big problem is that I cannot get the QML plugin "installed".
>              QmlScene reports:
>              Starting external tool "/macdev/qt542/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmlscene"
>              /macdev/qdev/testcircle/main.qml
>              file:///macdev/qdev/testcircle/main.qml:5 module "Qt.qml" is not
>              installed
>              "/macdev/qt542/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmlscene" finished
>              And running in debug on OSX deploy:
>              Debugging starts
>              QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
>              QML Debugger: Waiting for connection on port 49742...
>              QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
>              qrc:/main.qml:5module "Qt.qml" is not installed
>              I am either making a mistake in how my qmldir file is addressed.  Or
>              I am missing a .qmltypes file.
>              This has got to obvious to somebody.
>              Thank you,
>              md
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