[Interest] Camera not worknig on IOS

Daniel França daniel.franca at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 10:50:43 CEST 2015

Thanks for the answer.
It seems that we still need to mix with native Cocoa code :(

Em ter, 7 de jul de 2015 às 09:28, Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com> escreveu:

>  On iOS you cannot do that with simple file access, there is a separate
> API for the gallery.
> I'm not sure if Qt supports that yet.  I faintly recall some discussion
> about a new QML component for that, did it arrive in 5.5 or not, I don't
> know.
> Harri
> On 07/07/2015 07:54, Daniel França wrote:
> Anyone?
>  Em dom, 5 de jul de 2015 às 22:01, Daniel França <daniel.franca at gmail.com>
> escreveu:
>> After update to Qt5.5 now the camera works on IOS, finally :D
>> Both recording and zooming seems to be working fine... but I've no idea
>> how to find the location where the video is saved, it seems that it's an
>> app data directory, something like
>> "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/". However what I want is to save
>> in the camera roll, so I can easily access the video from the gallery like
>> any other video saved.
>> Does anyone has any idea how to achieve that?
>> I tried saving to *QStandardPaths::MoviesLocation *as is showed in the
>> documentation:
>> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstandardpaths.html#StandardLocation-enum
>> But didn't work, seems to keep saving in the same place, does anyone has
>> any idea how to achieve that?
>> Best,
>> Daniel
>>  Em qui, 4 de jun de 2015 às 09:01, Gunnar Roth <gunnar.roth at gmail.com>
>> escreveu:
>>>  Maybe just wait for qt 5.5  release?
>>>  To me it looks as if this bug will be fixed in 5.5, see
>>> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/109116/
>>>  Regards,
>>> Gunnar Roth
>>> Am 31.05.2015 um 01:27 schrieb Daniel França <daniel.franca at gmail.com>:
>>>     Quite disappointed as it seems that it's a bug
>>> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-37655
>>> What can means that I will need to abandon my project until get a Qt
>>> version that actually record video on IOS :(
>>> Any recommendations?
>>>  Em dom, 31 de mai de 2015 às 01:05, Daniel França <
>>> daniel.franca at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>> Trying to isolate the problem, the camera works if it's not set with
>>>> CaptureVideo as captureMode, I'm trying to find any limitation or
>>>> workaround needed to make video capture to work on IOS.
>>>>  Em sáb, 30 de mai de 2015 às 22:39, Daniel França <
>>>> daniel.franca at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>> heads up: It was missing the multimedia module in the .pro file.
>>>>> After include it, now, at least, it asks for video and audio
>>>>> permissions... but still no image is captured.
>>>>> Any ideas about what is happening?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>  Em sáb, 30 de mai de 2015 às 21:58, Daniel França <
>>>>> daniel.franca at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>> I'm trying to deploy a QML application to IOS.
>>>>>> The application runs fine on OSX, but after deploying to IOS I can
>>>>>> run the application, but the camera capture is not working at all.
>>>>>> I see no video, and of course, can't record anything.
>>>>>> Nothing in the debug give me any information about why it's not being
>>>>>> loaded
>>>>>>  After google I found it: http://wiki.qt.io/QtMultimedia_iOS
>>>>>> In "*Camera Capture*" section it says that after Qt5.3 you don't
>>>>>> need to add the "*_QTPLUGIN= qavfcamera*" line, anyway I tried to
>>>>>> add the line and it still doesn't work.
>>>>>> The qml code with the camera: http://pastebin.com/QeD0U2FH
>>>>>> Another thing is that I use some qml components from another
>>>>>> directory.
>>>>>> I've created a qmldir file, with all the information, and added the
>>>>>> directory to the env var QML2_IMPORT_PATH.
>>>>>> It works fine running from *Qt Creator*, but when I deploy it
>>>>>> doesn't find the qml components =/ I'd to copy the files to my project
>>>>>> directory to make it work, and I'm sure that there's a better way :D
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Daniel
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