[Interest] QPixmap or QImage::scaled() crash on iOS with smoothTransformation

maitai maitai at virtual-winds.org
Mon Jul 20 05:17:04 CEST 2015

Ok, it's good there is a workaround

Thank you very much

Le 19-07-2015 23:16, Allan Sandfeld Jensen a écrit :
> On Sunday 19 July 2015, maitai wrote:
>> Arf...
>> Only solution is to go back to 5.4.2 for iOS?
> It should be fixed by 5.5.1, if you need smooth-scaling before then and 
> can
> not build a new Qt binary, you can either overallocate the from image 
> by one
> pixel or scale using the painter, something like this:
> QImage dst(dstSize);
> QPainter painter(&dst);
> painter.drawImage(srcImage, dstImage, QRect(QPoint(), dstSize),
> Qt::SmoothScale);
> painter.end();
> For downscaling, QImage smooth scaling is better than the qpainter 
> scaling,
> but for upscaling they are the same.

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