[Interest] StackView not working properly on Qt 5.5

Gianluca@Redberry gianluca at redberrydigital.com
Sat Jul 18 00:17:04 CEST 2015

I’m trying to update Qt 5.5 for all my project and I’m having very bad behavior of StackView.
What has been changed on StackView that may break compatibility ?
All my app has a center item that it’s a StackView and I push/pop element on that. But It doesn’t work anymore.
I didn’t use any special function of StackView, so I don’t know what is happening and how to debug because I don’t get any error message.

My use of it is to have:
	StackView {
		id: mainArea
		anchors.top: (navigationBar.visible ? navigationBar.bottom : parent.top)
		anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

and to push and pop item in the following way:
	function push( component ) {
		mainArea.push( backend.commonPath()+"/qml/"+component )

	function pop() {

And then pushing new items in the following way:
			mainArea.push( backend.commonPath()+"/qml/Login.qml" )

Where commonPath() is where I store the qml files:
#if defined(Q_OS_IOS)
	return QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
	// suppose Android
	return "assets:";

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