[Interest] Python not found when building QT 5.4.x
Olivier Barthelemy
barthelemy at geovariances.com
Thu Jun 4 17:11:45 CEST 2015
It's a MSVC build launched from cygwin. That same script worked for an
earlier 5.x version
2015-06-04 17:05 GMT+02:00 Nuno Santos <nunosantos at imaginando.pt>:
> Are you targeting for MingW or or MSVC?
> I have been build Qt from source very recently and I have used the windows
> prompt.
> I have followed this guide:
> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-building.html
> In my case, at some point, I had to install python and put it on the path.
> Nuno Santos
> Founder / CEO / CTO
> www.imaginando.pt
> +351 91 621 69 62
> On 04 Jun 2015, at 15:56, Olivier Barthelemy <barthelemy at geovariances.com>
> wrote:
> I am launching QT5 build from sources, from a cygwin bash terminal on
> windows.
> Just before launching the nmake, the python i want to use is properly
> found and working. But during the build, the command
> python
> C:/sdk/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.2/qtdeclarative/src/3rdparty/masm/create_regex_tables
> > .generated\debug\RegExpJitTables.h
> fails with the error that python command was not found.
> I am guessing that at some point, the build process starts a new windows
> shell that doesn't inherit the environment i set in cygwin, and python
> would be found if i set PATH to my python in the system's base values for
> the environment variables so all shells inherit it.
> But as the build is in an automated script, whose environment must be set
> by scripts depending on what i want to build, hardcoding in the system the
> path to this python is not an idea i like very much.
> Any suggestion?
> --
> [image: Geovariances]
> Olivier BARTHELEMY *Software development engineer*
> Geovariances, 49bis avenue Franklin Roosevelt - 77215 AVON CEDEX - FRANCE
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Olivier BARTHELEMY *Software development engineer*
Geovariances, 49bis avenue Franklin Roosevelt - 77215 AVON CEDEX - FRANCE
| www.geovariances.com <http://link.geovariances.com/eml-home>
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