[Interest] Memory leak in QML Image

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 23:58:56 CEST 2015

Sorry guys, it seems that I'm wrong...

06.06.2015 0:41, Igor Mironchik пишет:
> Hi guys,
> If in QML I have
> propertyintcurrentValue
> Image{id:curr;source:""}
> onCurrentValueChanged:{
>          if(root.currentValue  <  0  ||  root.currentValue  >  9)
>              root.currentValue  =  0
>          curr.source  =  "file:"  +  applicationDirPath  +  "/"  +  root.currentValue  +  ".png"
>      }
> And changing currentValue results to memory leak. I mean if I change 
> currentValue cyclically.
> How can I correctly free memory used by Image and load new image 
> without memory leaks?
> Thank you.

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