[Interest] How to run a WinRT app on a Window 8 intel tablet?

Andrew Knight andrew.knight at intopalo.com
Mon Jun 8 17:54:42 CEST 2015

On 08/06/15 17:25, Nuno Santos wrote:
> Thiago,
> Nope, it was not defined... Had to define it. Did it like this on
> qhostaddress.h
> #define INADDR_ANY              ((unsigned long int) 0x00000000)
> #define INADDR_BROADCAST        ((unsigned long int) 0xffffffff)
> #define INADDR_LOOPBACK         0x7f000001      /*   */
> The winsock2.h that I edited was on: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
> Kits\8.1\include\um
Have you only installed VS2013 (Express/Ultimate/Pro?). One possible 
solution is to install the standalone Windows 8.1 SDK 
(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/bg162891.aspx) on top, 
as it seems some versions that ship with VS have different defines 
around these symbols. We should probably implement some ifdef magic to 
fix to define these inside Qt as needed.

Another option is to use VS2013 Community Edition, as I'm pretty sure 
things work there out of the box. VS2015 also works, but you need 


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