[Interest] Bounties?

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Thu Mar 12 21:06:50 CET 2015

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Alejandro Exojo <suy at badopi.org> wrote:
> El Wednesday 11 March 2015, Bernhard escribió:
>> However currently both sites seem unusable. gitbounty says nothing more
>> than "Coming Soon..." and bountysource display an effectively empty page
>> when clicking on some Qt issue (on both Firefox and IE).
> Bountysource has some Qt entries, and one has a non-neglibible amount of money
> (~1400$), but the task is still too complex for that money:
> https://www.bountysource.com/issues/315019-add-a-tiling-window-manager-like-
> eclipse-or-visual-studio-have
> (yes, to me it appears blank as well, but it probably is a temporary thing)
> I never ever heard of anything been done through it, though, which is a pity,
> but it's how things are. If you think about it, the most likely reason why
> this didn't happen, is because they did not gather enough money. Compare it to
> one of the few places where a price tag is visible:
> http://www.kdab.com/services/qt-bug-fixing/
> That's the closest thing you'll probably find around to what you originally
> asked, BTW.

7500 seems very reasonable, I guess because you are paying KDAB to do
something they want to do anyways.

Seems like KDAB could just manage their own bounty system, in case
there are multiple small companies wanting to fix the same bug.


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