[Interest] Executing a small function as a thread

Syam Krishnan syamcr at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 16:06:22 CET 2015

On 03/17/2015 08:03 PM, André Somers wrote:
> Might I suggest a third method? Use QtConcurrent::run(yourFunction)
> instead.

The documentation on QtConcurrent::run() says
"Note that the function may not run immediately; the function will only 
be run when a thread is available."

That is not acceptable to me. I am looking for the simplest solution 
that has the least overhead.

And I should have mentioned that only one instance of do_something() 
must be executing at any time.
I am using QAtomicInt to control calls to this function. So when a 
second event is raised, it will check if
the thread is already executing. If it is, it will wait till the thread 
execution is complete.

And I'm using Qt 4.8 on Linux.


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