[Interest] Qt 5.5 and Red Hat 5

william.crocker at analog.com william.crocker at analog.com
Wed Mar 18 23:02:45 CET 2015

> Bill said:
>> My sight has over 500 Linux machines. Only a handful
>> are running RedHat 6, but we will finally be migrating
>> over the next 6 months to a year.
> And when will you be deploying Qt 5.5 to that site?

Probably never because I can't get it to build.

Qt5 requires certain versions of certain libraries, but
those version are not there on RH5. That is to be expected.
And I am not going to upgrade to the required versions, if it
is even possible, because that would have to happen on
500 machines (and then 1000's more around the world)
and then we would have to re-qualify all of our software.

I tried once to get it to build on RH6, but even there I got
the impression that I did not have the required versions of
the required libraries. I could push for library version
upgrades, but then we would have to re-qualify all of the
software again and at this point the goal us to just get RH6
out there.

If I do ever go for 5 I will probably have to bundle a lot
of libraries with my distribution.


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