[Interest] Belligerent QML ListView

Juergen Bocklage-Ryannel lists at ryannel.org
Tue Mar 31 08:41:07 CEST 2015


Maybe you want to provide a small example to the reader so that he can 
examine your thoughts and point you to a possible mistake. All people 
here love to see code snippets.

You could use https://gist.github.com to help the reader to inspect your 
example. The example should be small and focused on the problem you try 
to solve and not taken from a large code base, which just confuses the 

My normal try is to create a QtQuick UI in Qt Creator with a minimal 
source code to showcase the problem.

/ jryannel

On 27/03/15 23:19, Jason H wrote:
> I want to do a simple pop-up, centered on screen.
> Rectangle {
> Row (centered){
> [Title]
> [ListView
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...]
> [Ok]
> } //row
> } //Rect
> However I can't get this to layout right.  The ListView width does not evaluate to anything but 0. This results in the ListView delegates starting at the center of the screen and no Rectangle (width evals to zero)
> How can I get ListView width and height to be the content height and width to be the max width and actual height of using the actual of actual delegate data?
> Thanks.
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/ jryannel

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