[Interest] Little help with Qt for Android under Linux

Bob Hood bhood2 at comcast.net
Sat May 16 02:07:30 CEST 2015

I've been trying different "tutorials" on setting up Qt/Creator under Linux 
for Android development.  So far, I've not been able to get any to function, 
even those I find on Qt's own web site.

I have followed these rather simple steps[1], and set up the entire 
environment under Linux (Mint) 32-bit.  I installed Qt 5.4.1 for Android, I 
ran "./android update sdk" and selected and installed the default packages (16 
in all).  I set up Creator with all the fields ("JDK", "SDK", "NDK", etc.).  
Both ant and JDK were automatically located and filled in by Creator.

I selected one of the example projects, told it to copy locally and build.  In 
the build output, I'm getting:

Warning: Android platform 'android--1' does not exist in SDK.
   Error: Target id 'android--1' is not valid. Use 'android list targets' to 
get the target ids.

I went looking, and found somebody else had this same issue[2].  I tried to 
follow the posted solution, but my "Android build SDK" drop-down won't display 
anything.  It's basically empty.

What might I be missing here?

[1] http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/androidgs.html
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