[Interest] iOS Objective-C callback block example connecting back to iOS Qt app?

Edward Sutton edward.sutton at subsite.com
Sat May 16 19:33:12 CEST 2015

Hi Ben,

I am having Objective-C problems trying to implement a message handler I added to your qisystemutils.mm when it calls NDHTMLtoPDF createPDFWithHTML.

https://github.com/benlau/quickios/blob/master/qisystemutils.mm  // <- This is great by the way!

I think I have callback block iissues when createPDFWithHTML is called.

2015-05-16 11:51:10.692 widgets-to-html[86428:769940] -[QIOSApplicationDelegate window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fa660547ef0
2015-05-16 11:51:10.693 widgets-to-html[86428:769940] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[QIOSApplicationDelegate window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fa660547ef0'
*** First throw call stack:

I suspect blocks and delegates are different ways to do same thing in Objective-C.  Can callback blocks be implemented in a static htmlToPdf method?

Do I need to implement a qiviewdelegate equivalent for NDHTMLtoPDF?

File: qisystemutils.mm<https://github.com/benlau/quickios/blob/master/qisystemutils.mm>


NDHTMLtoPDF *m_htmlToPdfConverter = 0;

static bool htmlToPdf(QVariantMap& data) {

    QString pathToHtmlFile = data["pathToHtmlFile"].toString();

    QString pathToPdfFile = data["pathToPdfFile"].toString();

    NSString* htmlAsBuiltPathDest = pathToHtmlFile.toNSString();

    NSURL *baseUrl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:htmlAsBuiltPathDest];

    NSString* pdfOutputFilePath = pathToPdfFile.toNSString();

    NSString *html = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:htmlAsBuiltPathDest encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];;

    if (0 == html) {

        return false;


    // createPDFWithHTML is static method that returns NDHTMLtoPDF

    m_htmlToPdfConverter = [NDHTMLtoPDF createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)html




                                                  margins:UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 5, 10, 5)

                            successBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF)


                                NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF did succeed (%@ / %@)", htmlToPDF, htmlToPDF.PDFpath];



                            errorBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF)


                                NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF did fail (%@)", htmlToPDF];



    NSLog(@"***call completed ***");

    return true;


File: NDHTMLtoPDF.mm

/// A static method
+ (id)createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)HTML baseURL:(NSURL*)baseURL pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins successBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)successBlock errorBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)errorBlock
    NDHTMLtoPDF *creator = [[NDHTMLtoPDF alloc] initWithHTML:HTML baseURL:baseURL delegate:nil pathForPDF:PDFpath pageSize:pageSize margins:pageMargins];
    creator.successBlock = successBlock;
    creator.errorBlock = errorBlock;

    return creator;

- (id)initWithHTML:(NSString*)HTML baseURL:(NSURL*)baseURL delegate:(id <NDHTMLtoPDFDelegate>)delegate
        pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins
    if (self = [super init])
        self.HTML = HTML;
        self.URL = baseURL;
        self.delegate = delegate;
        self.PDFpath = PDFpath;

        self.pageMargins = pageMargins;
        self.pageSize = pageSize;

        [self forceLoadView];
    return self;

//  Nurves
//  Created by Clement Wehrung on 31/10/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Clement Wehrung. All rights reserved.
//  Released under the MIT license

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#define kPaperSizeA4 CGSizeMake(595.2,841.8)
#define kPaperSizeLetter CGSizeMake(612,792)

@class NDHTMLtoPDF;

typedef void (^NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)(NDHTMLtoPDF* htmlToPDF);

@protocol NDHTMLtoPDFDelegate <NSObject>

- (void)HTMLtoPDFDidSucceed:(NDHTMLtoPDF*)htmlToPDF;
- (void)HTMLtoPDFDidFail:(NDHTMLtoPDF*)htmlToPDF;

@interface NDHTMLtoPDF : UIViewController <UIWebViewDelegate>

@property (nonatomic, copy) NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock successBlock;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock errorBlock;

@property (nonatomic, weak) id <NDHTMLtoPDFDelegate> delegate;

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *PDFpath;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSData *PDFdata;

+ (id)createPDFWithURL:(NSURL*)URL pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath delegate:(id <NDHTMLtoPDFDelegate>)delegate pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins;
+ (id)createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)HTML pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath delegate:(id <NDHTMLtoPDFDelegate>)delegate pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins;
+ (id)createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)HTML baseURL:(NSURL*)baseURL pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath delegate:(id <NDHTMLtoPDFDelegate>)delegate pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins;

+ (id)createPDFWithURL:(NSURL*)URL pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins successBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)successBlock errorBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)errorBlock;
+ (id)createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)HTML pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins successBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)successBlock errorBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)errorBlock;
+ (id)createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)HTML baseURL:(NSURL*)baseURL pathForPDF:(NSString*)PDFpath pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize margins:(UIEdgeInsets)pageMargins successBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)successBlock errorBlock:(NDHTMLtoPDFCompletionBlock)errorBlock;

Sorry for my Objective-Confusion.  I appreciate the help I have received from Robert and Ben.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


On May 15, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Robert Iakobashvili <coroberti at gmail.com<mailto:coroberti at gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear Ed,
There is an example attached to this
bug report:


The attached to the bug example code is about
mixing Qt C++ and Obj-C code and sharing text.

May be it could be helpful.

Take care.


On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Edward Sutton <edward.sutton at subsite.com<mailto:edward.sutton at subsite.com>> wrote:
Hi Ben,

Thank you very much for sharing your example.


Understanding the Objective-C language has been much more difficult than I expected coming from C, C++, and C#.

QMessageBox looks horrible on iOS.  I am very glad you have a solution for using UIAlertView in your alertViewCreate method.

UiActionSheet and UIImagePickerController

This has given me much to study and understand.

Thank you again for sharing your iOS code!


On May 15, 2015, at 2:33 AM, Ben Lau <xbenlau at gmail.com<mailto:xbenlau at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Edward,

You may find example code from my project.

quickios/qisystemutils.mm at master · benlau/quickios<https://github.com/benlau/quickios/blob/master/qisystemutils.mm>

It has implemented an interface to create and communicate to UIAlertView , UIActionSheet , UIImagePickerController etc. It uses a singleton object called SystemMessenger as the bridge between C++ and Objective-C++ code. So that the developed code can be run on non-iOS platform too  (for development use)

On 15 May 2015 at 05:53, Edward Sutton <edward.sutton at subsite.com<mailto:edward.sutton at subsite.com>> wrote:
Can anyone share an example on how to implement the asynchronous return of a result from an Objective-C callback block to Qt?

For example, see the “successBlock:” below which gets called back asynchronously.

    self.PDFCreator = [NDHTMLtoPDF createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)html
                                          pathForPDF:[@"~/Documents/hello-world.pdf" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]
                                            pageSize:kPaperSizeA4 margins:UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 5, 10, 5)
    successBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF) {

        NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF did succeed (%@ / %@)", htmlToPDF, htmlToPDF.PDFpath];
        self.resultLabel.text = result;

    errorBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF) {
        NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF did fail (%@)", htmlToPDF];
        self.resultLabel.text = result;


I need to implement native iOS code to replace the missing QPrinter functionality I used to convert HTML to a PDF report on Android, OS X, Linux, and Windows.

Unfortunately the Qt html-to-pdf functionality is implemented in QPrinter.  This functionality is gone from Qt iOS since iOS has no printer device support,  even though I am not accessing a printer device from iOS.

I found this project which seems to work:


Objective-C interfacing to C++ is challenging.

Thanks in advance for any tips,

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