[Interest] Windows VST plugin based on Qt

Nuno Santos nunosantos at imaginando.pt
Tue May 19 08:26:32 CEST 2015


I’m trying to build a VST plugin based on Qt.

A VST plugin is a framework for creating audio processing and instrument plugins. It provides an api that one should follows. The result is a dynamic library that will be loaded by the host (dll on windows case, bundle on mac case). I have done it successfully on Mac (with still a lot of tests to perform and the need for correct deploy) and now i’m trying on Windows.

On Windows i’m being faced with some dll loading problems. 

If I build the plugin without link Qt at all (CONFIG -= qt), the plugin is recognized by the host. Otherwise it isn’t. I want to use Qt, specially QML for UI. There are simpler ways of doing this, but I love Qt and I want my code to be the most transversal as possible.

I have been suggested that this problems is due to the loading path of the libraries. I suggested solution relies in using /DELAYLOAD

I have tried to perform /DELAYLOAD:Qt5Core.dll and the other three libs started by icu, and then using the SetDllDirectory to the path I have the deployed plugin.

Still, the host is unable to load the plugin correctly.

Can someone give me an insight on how to do this on windows?




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