[Interest] Is QLocalSocket reentrant?

Calogero Mauceri mauceri at actgate.com
Fri May 22 14:35:05 CEST 2015

Hi all,

sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm having some weird memory 
corruption problems when using QLocalSocket in multiple threads.

I have a server process, accepting connections from client processes 
through a QLocalServer instance. Every time a new connection is accepted 
by the QLocalServer, the server launches a thread that communicates with 
the client through the QLocalSocket.

The code I'm using to launch the threads in the server is something like 

void LocalServer::newClientConnectionSlot()
QLocalSocket *localSocket = localServer->nextPendingConnection();
     if (localSocket) {
QThread *thread= new QThread;
MyWorker *worker = new MyWorker();
worker ->moveToThread(thread);


         localSocket->setParent(NULL);    // remove local server parent 
in order to properly use the socket on another thread

Each thread is using its own localSocket to communicate with the client.

My question is, is it safe to use different instances of QLocalSocket 
from different threads without guarding those sockets? The documentation 
does not report QLocalSocket is reentrant. What does it imply? Should I 
guard all QLocalSocket instances with a global mutex before using them?

Thanks in advance for your hints!

Calogero Mauceri
Software Engineer

Applied Coherent Technology Corporation (ACT)

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