[Interest] QtQuickControls tests

Shantanu Tushar shaan7in at gmail.com
Tue May 26 20:47:20 CEST 2015

Well you are not really loading anything from the network so it might not
make sense; but I've seen the " cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method" error
when the OpenSSL libraries were missing on the system.

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Van Looy Detlev <
detlev.vanlooy at student.uantwerpen.be> wrote:

>  Hello.
> For a project I am doing I need a repository which has .qml tests, it
> seems that (from the Qt sources) QtQuickControls should fit my needs. When
> running tst_controls
> (/Qt5.4.1/5.4/Src/qtquickcontrols/tests/auto/controls), all 501 test cases
> pass.
> What I want to do now is break (make fail) some of these test cases by
> changing some source .qml files in
> /Qt5.4.1/5.4/Src/qtquickcontrols/src/controls. So for example break
> tst_Slider.qml by changing some code from Slider.qml. However it seems no
> matter what I do to these source files, the tests always continue to pass
> unaffected.
> After some examination I found that no calls are actually ever being made
> to these source files, but rather they are being made to
> /Qt5.4.1/5.4/gcc/qml/QtQuick/Controls.
> So my question is: Is it possible to make these tests fail by changing the
> source files I mentioned? How are the source files used in the tests?
> I have had some success by forcing the use of the source files, so for
> example changing:
>  from:
> var slider = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick.Controls 1.2; Slider { }',
> container, '');
> to:
> var component = Qt.createComponent("../../../../src/controls/Slider.qml");
> var slider = component.createObject(container, {});
> And I was planning on using this fix for every test case, however this
> does not work for certain cases. I am also unable to just use:
> var slider = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick.Controls 1.2; import
> "../../../../src/controls/" Slider { }', container, '');
> because this gives me errors:
> qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
> qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
> Qt.createQmlObject(): Component is not ready
>  If you can tell me what I am doing wrong in my createQmlObject
> statement, that would be helpful as well!
> Regards,
> Detlev
> PS: If anyone knows about any other (OS) projects which have an amount of
> .qml tests please let me know!
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Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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