[Interest] Qt/iOS subclassing and/or delegating
maitai at virtual-winds.org
Fri May 29 07:38:00 CEST 2015
Thanks Ben for your reply
After much digging I made some progress but I am still looking for a way
to temporary lock screen auto rotation.
I have created my own app delegate to catch openUrl(), and surprisingly
it works. I register my app delegate from main.cpp by calling something
like this:
void QtAppDelegateInitialize ()
QtAppDelegate *appDelegate = (QtAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication
sharedApplication] delegate];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:[QtAppDelegate
NSLog(@"Created a new appdelegate");
I then found this very interesting post:
which links to this bug report: QTBUG-38184.
First question: I am now wondering how my delegate can possibly work
since it seems I can have only one delegate... so what happened to
I then tried various things to add yet another delegate this time based
on UINavigationControllerDelegate, but although after much sweat it
seems to load, the various methods I am trying to override are never
called when I rotate the device.
Could it be that I should instead modify/interface
QIOSApplicationDelegate itself and not try to create my own delegates?
A bit confused at this point, I admit ;)
Thanks for any tip
Philippe Lelong
Le 27-05-2015 20:24, Ben Lau a écrit :
> On 28 May 2015 at 02:07, maitai <maitai at virtual-winds.org> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I've started to port on iOS and need to override some methods, like we
>> do easily through Java on Qt/Android. I succeeded to implement an
>> appDelegate in objective-C that works for some events like openURL and
>> such, but for instance I also need to lock automatic screen rotation in
>> some circumstances (but not always).
> Objective-C has a feature to replace the original method of a class. So you may just override the method you needed (In case it don't break Qt)
> Customizing Existing Classes [2]
> Example Code:
> quickios/appdelegate.mm at 0b067e17dc13b8533ca3f7dd574d7e81ea17a015 · benlau/quickios [3]
> I have tested to override openURL and didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of AppDelegate with Qt 5.4.1. This method works.
>> I read that I should somehow override "bool
>> UINavigationController::shouldRotate()"
> Never tried. But should be worth to try? I am also be interested with your result.
>> Should I reimp (subclass?) UINavigationController and how? Or is there a
>> way to create a new delegate or even better to extend my current
>> appDelegate?
>> I'm new to Objective-C as you can guess... Any clue would be really
>> appreciated :)
>> Thanks
>> Philippe Lelong
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