[Interest] Can QML model specify a range including negative numbers? For example -180 to +180 ?

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Fri Nov 6 15:26:48 CET 2015

Op 6-11-2015 om 14:52 schreef Edward Sutton:
>> On Nov 6, 2015, at 3:53 AM, André Somers <andre at familiesomers.nl 
>> <mailto:andre at familiesomers.nl>> wrote:
>> Op 6-11-2015 om 10:10 schreef Curtis Mitch:
>>> You can use the columnForeground component [1] for this purpose:
>>> import QtQuick 2.3
>>> import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
>>> import QtQuick.Extras 1.2
>>> import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
>>> ApplicationWindow {
>>>     visible: true
>>>     width: 640
>>>     height: 480
>>>     title: qsTr("Hello World")
>>>     Tumbler {
>>>         id: tumbler
>>> anchors.centerIn: parent
>>> TumblerColumn {
>>> model: 90
>>>         }
>>> TumblerColumn {
>>> model: 60
>>>         }
>>> TumblerColumn {
>>> model: 60
>>>         }
>>> TumblerColumn {
>>> model: ["N", "S"]
>>>         }
>> I don't think I would keep the N/S (or E/W) option in a separate 
>> column. Why not integrate that into the first column?
> Can you please elaborate? Do you mean create a model with 180 items 
> ranging from "N 0" to "N 90” and "S 0" to "S 90”?
> Or 180 numbers and the delegate adds a “N” or “S” and subtracts 90 
> when needed?
The latter. That allows you to just specify model: 180 as your model. 
Then you let the delegate display a N or S and adjust the value to the 
right range (for instance by shifting the range from 0-180 to -90-90 and 
then displaying a negative value as S and positive value as N, removing 
the minus itself.) I guess you'll need to specify 182 though, as you 
probably want all of N 0, N 90, S 0 and S 90.
>> You can easily use a delegate to on the column to display negative 
>> values as S or W depending on latitude or longitude. To stick to a 
>> standard notation, you would have to put the N/S/E/W first in the 
>> column, like S 17|33|08.
>> Using a delegate can also solve your model problem the whole thread 
>> started with. Just use a number again as the model, but only use the 
>> positive range from 0 to 360. Then in your delegate simply adjust the 
>> value from the model to the actual value you want to display.
> So a QML delegate can transform magic model numbers into real-world 
> user display data? For example a number 0 into “Apple”?
> I am not sure I understand what delegates are operating on.  In the 
> case of a TumblerColumn it would be the current index?
> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtqml-models-delegatemodel.html
Delegates gets a styleData attached property, which in turn contains an 
index, column, value, current (bool) and displacement (distance from 
current). That is what you can use to do your rendering.


Something like

TumblerColumn {
   model: 182
   delegate: Text {
     property int degrees: styleData.value - 90
     text: degrees <= 0 ? "S " + -1 * degrees : "N " + degrees - 1
     opacity: 0.4 + Math.max(0, 1 - Math.abs(styleData.displacement)) * 
0.6 //from example

should work I think. This should yield a column with items from S 90 to 
S 0 followed by N 0 to N 90. Did not try it though.


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