[Interest] QWebEngine::back() not working

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 02:00:47 CET 2015

We are coding up a Qt 5.4.2 application (also tested with Qt 5.5.1) and we are using a QWebEngineView. generally the web view works just great. We are able to load our documentation into it and view it fine. As a convenience to our users we added the traditional “Forward” and “Back” buttons to the window and hooked up their slots to the view’s back slot. When the user clicks on the button the view is loading the previously loaded web page. We have done lots of verification that the QWebViewHistory actually has something in it that we can actually load. We read the docs on the slot and even tried coding the long form instead of using the actual convenience function. Nothing seems to be working. Were we supposed to be doing an actual “refresh” on the view after calling “back()”? or did we miss something simple? 

Thanks for any help
Mike Jackson

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