[Interest] MouseArea not working when using QQMLApplicationEngine with Window

Gian Maxera gmaxera at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 10:51:24 CEST 2015

I’m getting a strange behaviour and I didn’t find what’s wrong in my code.
I developed various app for Android and iOS using Qt and I always used the QQuickView and a simple Item as the QML root item.
In this case everything works perfectly.
This is a minimal setup that works for me fine on Android and iOS:


	QQuickView viewer;
	backend->setQuickView( &viewer );
	viewer.setResizeMode( QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView );
	viewer.setSource( backend->commonPath()+"/qml/main.qml" );

and into the main.qml:

Item {
	anchors.fill: parent

	Rectangle {
		anchors.fill: parent
		color: "steelblue"

		Text {
			anchors.centerIn: parent
			text: "Hello World !!"

		MouseArea {
			anchors.fill: parent
			onClicked: {

	Component.onCompleted: {
		console.log(“COMPONENT LOADED")

Now, I would like to give a try to the QQmlApplicationEngine used with a Window as root item. It allow me to have potentially more interesting features to use into the apps.

But when I change the code in the following way:


	QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
	backend->setQmlEngine( &engine );

and the main.qml:

Window {
	visible: true

	Rectangle {
		anchors.fill: parent
		color: "steelblue"

		Text {
			anchors.centerIn: parent
			text: "Hello World !!"

		MouseArea {
			anchors.fill: parent
			onClicked: {
		Component.onCompleted: {
			console.log(“COMPONENT LOADED")


I don’t get any print on the console. No print for component loaded, and no print when I touch inside the MouseArea !!
Why ?? What’s happening ?


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