[Interest] Compile OpenSSL & NetworkAccessManager

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 03:07:27 CEST 2015

Hello List:

Referring to the following:  http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/opensslsupport.html

Quote-> "Open your Qt project using Qt Creator and update the "Build
Android APK" settings to add *libcrypto* and *libssl* as additional
libraries for your project."

Does this mean I can add both static/shared libraries and
NetworkAccessManager will use the included library instead of the Android
factory supplied openssl version?

For compatibility with Android-9, should I compile openssl with Android-9 ?

Or should I build the openssl code with Android-18 and it will work
backwards with Android-9?

(Incredible-> Qt 5.5.0 runs on Original Kindle Fire Android 2.3

Can I simplly link the Intel x86 compiled version when using an Intel Kit
and Arm version when using an Arm kit?

How do we tell QT Creator to link IOS/OSX self compiled OpenSSL libraries
so that NetworkAccessManager will use them instead of apple supplied
openssl libraries?
(Both libssl.a/dylib and libcrypto.a/dylib)
(LIBS += /sslpath/libssl.a /sslpath/libcrypto.a?)

Thanks for any response,

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