[Interest] Convertion between QImage to QPixmap taking to much time.

Celal SAVUR c.savur at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 17:28:15 CEST 2015

Hello everyone,

I have some performance issue when I am using QPixmap.

I am getting image from buffer and I create QImage. After that using
QPixmap::fromImage(), creating pixmap  and set it to QGraphicPixmapItem to
be drawn in scene.

When I put the timer to see how much time Qt spending to create QPixmap, I
realize that I converting  from Qimage to QPixmap taking ~20 times more
time than crating Qimage from buffer.

By the way, I am getting image approximately every 200 ms some times faster
than that.

Do you have any suggestion to increase the performance?

Can I draw QImage into scene  without Qpixmap convertion? How ?

Thank you.

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