[Interest] Remove unnecessary components (dll reduction)

Rafael Machado rafaelrodrigues.machado at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 14:21:41 CEST 2015

Hi everyone.
I'm trying to remove some unnecessary components from my QT compilation to
reduce the dll's size.

I can see at qt website the following information:

"Including or Excluding Features

The -feature-*<feature>* and -no-feature-*<feature>* options include and
exclude specific features, respectively, where *<feature>* is listed in the
file *qtbase/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt*."
from (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/configure-options.html)

The strange, is that not all features can be turned off, that in my
understand should be a possible action. For example, if I'm not using some
component like this one for examploe:

Description: Provides a model/view implementation of a column view.
Section: ItemViews
Requires: LISTVIEW
Name: QColumnView
(this is defined at the file *qfeatures.txt*)

So, in my understanding I should be able to use the following configuration:
..\configure -release -prefix ..\qt-install -confirm-license -opensource

But after running this command I receive the following error:
Unknown option -no-QColumnView

I also tried using the command:
Unknown option -no-columnview

With no success:
Unknown option -no-columnview

Any idea on how to do this work as I expect ?

Thanks and Regards
Rafael R. Machado
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