[Interest] [5.5.1] WinRT support broken?

David González david at thehumble.ninja
Mon Oct 19 15:28:37 CEST 2015


I've been trying to get my application working in WinRT. It compiles/runs fine with 5.5.0. Initially I ran into a threading problems (I couldn't use QNetworkAccessManager facilities and basic network replies usage and the fonts were too blurry) with 5.5.0 which is why I've been waiting for 5.5.1 to come out for a while now. 

With 5.5.1: 

- WinRT application won't run, I just tried running the example _Qt Quick Controls Gallery_ (available in Qt Creator - Examples section). It runs under 5.5.0, on 5.5.1 it throws, then the app automatically closes

'gallery.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\david\Documents\Projects\controls\gallery\debug\AppX\QtQuick\Window.2\windowplugind.dll'. Symbols loaded.
First-chance exception at 0x776A3E28 in gallery.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: CacheOverflowException at memory location 0x0433DE34.
First-chance exception at 0x776A3E28 in gallery.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: CacheOverflowException at memory location 0x0433DE34.
First-chance exception at 0x776A3E28 in gallery.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: CacheOverflowException at memory location 0x0433DE34.

- On my application just endless then the app automatically closes

Exception thrown at 0x776A3E28 (KernelBase.dll) in app.exe: 0x40080201: WinRT originate error (parameters: 0x8000000E, 0x0000002C, 0x093FF468).
Exception thrown at 0x776A3E28 (KernelBase.dll) in app.exe: 0x40080201: WinRT originate error (parameters: 0x8000000E, 0x0000002C, 0x091FF494).
Exception thrown at 0x776A3E28 (KernelBase.dll) in app.exe: 0x40080201: WinRT originate error (parameters: 0x8000000E, 0x0000002C, 0x090FF350).
Exception thrown at 0x776A3E28 (KernelBase.dll) in app.exe: 0x40080201: WinRT originate error (parameters: 0x8000000E, 0x0000002C, 0x092FF7E0).
'app.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IPHLPAPI.DLL'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.

Any Qt/WinRT user experiencing the same? Has the issues been fixed at 5.6.0 I'll start cloning the repo. 

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