[Interest] -u and -bitcode_bundle (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE=YES) cannot be used together

Hamish Moffatt hamish at risingsoftware.com
Fri Oct 30 04:04:55 CET 2015

On 26/10/15 10:55, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On 26/10/15 10:49, Nuno Santos wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Since I have upgraded to Xcode 7.1 and Mac OSX 10.11, when compiling an iOS app on Qt 5.4.1 I have this error:
>> -u and -bitcode_bundle (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE=YES) cannot be used together
>> Does anyone has a clue on how to sort this out?
> I have it too. I set ENABLE_BITCODE=NO for now in the Xcode settings. I
> haven't yet looked for a wait to put this in my .pro but I'll need to.
I put this in my .pro and now I can build with 5.4.2:

# For compatibility with Qt 5.4.x and Xcode 7, disable bitcode generation.
ios: macx-xcode {
         enable_bitcode.name = "ENABLE_BITCODE"
         enable_bitcode.value = NO
         QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS += enable_bitcode

Better to upgrade to 5.5.1, if you can.


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