[Interest] QList and erase problem...

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 16:57:20 CEST 2015


I ran into this problem...

     QList< ImageRecord > & images,
     ImageFilesStorage::ImageType type )
     QList< ImageRecord >::Iterator it = images.begin();
     QList< ImageRecord >::Iterator last = images.end();

     while( it != last )
         if( (*it).m_type == type )
             LOG( DebugLogLevel, "Before real deletion" )
             removeFromDatabase( it );
             LOG( DebugLogLevel, "After real deletion" )

//            it = images.erase( it ); // LOOK AT THIS LINE !!! If I 
uncomment it and comment next line - crash...

             LOG( DebugLogLevel, QString( "it == last : %1" ).arg( ( it 
== last ? "true" : "false" ) ) )

What is wrong?

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