[Interest] CLion to replace QtCreator?

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Tue Apr 5 18:16:02 CEST 2016

Op 05/04/2016 om 18:03 schreef Nikita Krupenko:
> 2016-04-05 18:11 GMT+03:00 Curtis Mitch <mitch.curtis at theqtcompany.com>:
>> The GIF seemed to demonstrate some kind of selective editing. I just tried this with the block selection in Creator and it just overwrites the text. Can you give an example of how you can achieve what's done in the GIF using block selection in Creator?
> Just select zero-width block with Alt and you'll get big cursor where
> you can enter some text (i.e. insert without replacing).
That works, but it is not as flexible as what we see in those gifs. For 
instance, you cannot move the cursor left or right or make the same edit 
on multiple lines that are not vertically aligned.

It seems that the examples show something like that, and that would be 
quite powerfull.


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