[Interest] CLion to replace QtCreator?

Emre Besirik nomercy at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 12:56:00 CEST 2016

> On 06 Apr 2016, at 13:36, Konstantin Tokarev <annulen at yandex.ru> wrote:
>> I acknowlegde that writing a complete IDE is no easy task and I do appreciate the team for doing it in the first place. and what I’m talking about in the last couple of days are not intended to deminish their hard work, its a fully functional IDE afterall. What I’m trying to say is either the team is not big enough to handle things beyond core functionality or simply there is no UI/UX expert to guide devs on user experience. it is not a fault of anyone but just a fact that there is a need for a UI/UX expert. 
> I believe nobody here is denying significance of UX design in principle.
> Are you going to recommend us some specific person?

No I don’t know anyone with UI/UX skills, but hey univercities can help maybe? some students on their last year of related classes can maybe help?

>> otherwise we will have a fully functional, fully capable IDE that very small amount of people will want to use.
> Well, if it satisfies Qt and Qt Creator developers, plus a number of people outside these teams, that's actually not a bad result for open source project. If you want it to serve your needs too, go ahead and provide patches.

Thats an option but there is again always the possiblity to work hard on some things and a dev may not like your input and deny your patch(es) which then would make your hard work a big waste of time...

Emre Beşirik
nomercy at gmail.com

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