[Interest] QT3D Light,transparent phongMaterial

Ramy Atalla ramitix at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 16 18:00:45 CEST 2016

HelloThere is different kinds of lights (Spot,Point,Directional,etc) in QT3D with no documentation which makes it hard to integrate and use , I am trying to make a car headlight with fogy rays and taillight effect.Any examples on how to do it as trial and error takes tremendous time.I tried using this code however the result was effecting the main scene light

      DirectionalLight{        id:headlight_light        color: "light yellow"        enabled:true        direction: Qt.vector3d( -1.135, 0.763, 2.285 )    }
    Entity    {        Mesh        {            id: headlight1            source: "rightHeadlight.obj"        }
       PhongMaterial        {            id: phongMaterial5
           // ambient: Qt.rgba (  0.1 ,  0.1 ,  0.1 ,  1  )            diffuse: "yellow"           // specular:Qt.rgba (  0.1 ,  0.1 ,  0.1 ,  1  )            shininess:  1.2        }

        components: [ headlight1,phongMaterial5,headlight_light ]    }
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