[Interest] [QtQuick] Interaction with user from C++

Dmitry Volosnykh dmitry.volosnykh at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 12:03:49 CEST 2016

> FileDialog's open function would not return the file URL while
QFileDialog::getSaveFileName would return it
While FileDialog.open() does not return anythying, you still able to get
file's URL via fileUrl property of FileDialog instance like follows:

FileDialog {
  id: fileDialog
  onAccepted: console.log("User selected file:", fileUrl)

Situation with MessageBox is mostly the same. This QML type provides,
basically, the same functionality as its C++ counterpart. So you may
perform different actions upon receiving different signals which correspond
to buttons that user may press (Not suprisingly that these signals are
named exactly the same as button enum's that are returned as an int result
of QMessageBox::exec() method). So, here you are:

MessageBox {
  id: messageBox
  onYes: console.log("User pressed Yes button")
  onNo: console.log("User pressed No button")
  onApply: console.log("User pressed Apply button")
  // etc ...

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 12:36 PM Sina Dogru <sinadooru at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Sina. You may try to wrap those C++-side static methods with
>> intermediary class that is exposed to QML in a usual way. As far as I
>> remember there should be some API for opening files as well as for message
>> notifications. But that will require you to import QtQuick.Controls module.
>> Please, refer to official documentation for more precise name of the module.
> Hello Dmitry, thank you for respond. I think you are talking about the
> FileDialog QML type and MessageBox. But my problem is, when I call a static
> method of the intermediary class which calls FileDialog's open function
> would not return the file URL while QFileDialog::getSaveFileName would
> return it. So to do it, QML would need to call another function onAccepted
> handler and it would need to know which function it needs to call.
> I mean, for example consider a situation where a C++ class process a user
> input carried from QML to C++. If the user input is incorrect, I would need
> to ask the user some options. So I pop up a message box which presents the
> options to the user with this intermediary class. But when I do this, I
> would lose the flow of the program. So when the user responds to the
> message box, I would need to call another C++ function to process. But
> since QMessageBox's and QFileDialog's static functions create their own
> event loop and returns the data, I would be able to process new data
> without loosing the current stack and flow of the program.
> So QMessageBox and QFileDialog's static functions are not need to know on
> their event handlers, because they just returns the information that is
> needed so program can continue from the same stack.
> Like I said, I am not so exprienced with programming. I might be
> misjudging your advice or QML and C++ seperation.
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