[Interest] viewfinder failed to show camera images

Jerome jerome.linuxpub at 9online.fr
Sat Apr 30 09:20:17 CEST 2016

HI, and thank you very much to be interested to my problem, i really
appreciate your help on this problem (5 month unresolved now). 
Try to send from other adress but seems to failed to acces qt-intrest mailing list from other...

>From Qt example project "camera" (the project with QWidget/C++ code), on my laptop and on my PC, from archlinux distribution, camera images was never been shown on the viewfinder (QML camera code example works... i don't know why this difference).

i suspected intel driver and i stop my intel driver to use archlinux default one (works better for other jobs), then
i see on code that the problem seems to come from the viewfinder (look at the gist github copy/paste link please).

Then i post you the part of code i comment for let the camera start...
also, at 'camera-> start();" time, error point on failed argument is
shown... but the recording works and show the camera fine.

why and how to resolve that (or how to go haed for find more information
for resolve this) ? Looks like a QT5 bug... not sure. If someone is interested to look at this please (i posted allready on it, no one answered).


thank you again for all your interventions for try to help me on that,
i'm very happy.


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