[Interest] Android platform shorcomings

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Tue Dec 6 18:45:15 CET 2016

I am continually disappointed and frustrated by the way Qt is handled in Android.  I have had success with an approach up to now of using a QObject-derived platform shim object, which is API consistent with iOS and OSX.

However it seems I'm now encountering a showstopper and I don't know what to do. When Android starts your app, Java starts first and any JNI from service receivers run in the java thread, without a QApplication. Then sometime later, the QtActivity is started and the main() runs. However if no JNI happens, then the app starts normally. The two run modes seem incompatible with each other. 

I had always thought that Qt could message across threads so that issue would be minimized. However in my latest attempt at using a Connections object, it hard aborts when it tries to connect to an object in another thread. (https://github.com/richardmg/qtdeclarative/blob/master/src/qml/qml/qqmlnotifier.cpp:111) 

If I change the JNI to create the QApplication, I have to also create the engine, but then when my main() actually runs, I don't know how to hook up the smattering of objects in the Android thread with the smattering of objects in the Qt application (QML Engine)

I'm so lost.


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