[Interest] How to provide a component to a QML item?

Yasser Sobhy yasser.sobhy.net at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 02:16:27 CET 2016

Hi Jason

I am not sure if I have understood you correctly, but I think I have used a
similar approach in some of my apps to create a dynamic-content list.

I have done that by aliasing the data property of the column item as

StandardScreenWithSpecificContent {

property alias elements : column1.data

   /* implied StandardScreenContent */
     Column {
         id: column1

This way you can dynamically change the children items of the column by
assigning an array of items

StandardScreenWithSpecificContent {
      elements : [
          Label {
                 text: "label 1"

            Label {
                 text: "label 2"

On Dec 20, 2016 3:30 AM, "Jason H" <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:

I've got a situation where I have a variety of items ("screens" in a
stackView) where they have a similar structure, but the content differs.

Screen {
  Column {
    StandardScreenContent { }
    ScreenSpecificContent{ }

But I'd like to do it like:
StandardScreenWithSpecificContent {
   /* implied StandardScreenContent */
   delegate: {
     Column {
       /* screen specific content*/

This is a limited example, so it may not make a lot of sense in this
context but I think that illustrates my intent. How can I accomplish it?
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