[Interest] How to display custom data entry form on QLineEdit click ?

Edward Sutton edward.sutton at subsite.com
Mon Feb 1 18:12:14 CET 2016

Hi Prashanth,

I do not understand how the connect syntax example or how the signal filteredEvent is raised?

Could you please elaborate on implementation of the connect?

On Feb 1, 2016, at 10:28 AM, Prashanth Udupa <prashanth.udupa at gmail.com<mailto:prashanth.udupa at gmail.com>> wrote:

Create a Event2Signal class as follows.

#include <QMap>
#include <QList>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QObject>

class Event2Signal : public QObject

    Event2Signal(QObject *parent=0) : QObject(parent) { }
    ~Event2Signal() { }

    void filterEvent(QObject *o, QEvent::Type type) {
        if(!o) return;
        if( m_objectEventsMap.contains(o) ) {
            QList<QEvent::Type> &events = m_objectEventsMap[o];
        } else {

    void filteredEvent(QObject *o, QEvent *e, bool *filtered);

    bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) {
        bool filtered = false;
        emit filteredEvent(obj, e, &filtered);
        return filtered;

    QMap<QObject *, QList<QEvent::Type> > m_objectEventsMap;

Now, lets say you want to take some action when user mouse-presses on a lineEdit. You can do this

Event2Signal *e2s = new Event2Signal(lineEdit);
e2s->filterEvent(lineEdit, QEvent::MouseButtonPress);
connect(e2s, &Event2Signal::filteredEvent, [=]() {
// Activate your form and do other things here..

I do not understand how the connect syntax example or how the signal filteredEvent is raised?

Is the “[=]()” a place holder?

If I had:

FormInputData::FormInputData(QWidget *parent) :


  ,ui(new Ui::FormSoftwareUpdateCheck)



//  What does the connect code look like ?
connect(e2s, &Event2Signal::filteredEvent,
  this, SLOT(mouseButtonPressHandler)));

void FormInputData::mouseButtonPressHandler()
// Show custom calculator entry form



You can reuse this method for handling other kinds of events in signal-slot style.

Hope this helps.

/ Prashanth

On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 at 21:41 Edward Sutton <edward.sutton at subsite.com<mailto:edward.sutton at subsite.com>> wrote:
I want to display a form with a numeric touch key pad plus a decimal point when user clicks on a QLIneEdit field.

I did not see any signal such as editingStarted.

What are approaches to implementing a custom data entry?

I am targeting Android and iOS with a QWidget app.


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