[Interest] QApplication.activeWindow().pos() not returning correct value after sacling on OSX

Frank Rueter | OHUfx frank at ohufx.com
Thu Feb 18 04:20:37 CET 2016

Hi Tony,

sorry, let me clarify:
QT's co-oridnate system starts at the top left, right?
So when I scale the window by dragging the left side (or the top), the 
point of origin changes and thus I expect a different global position 
for the widget.

The reason I am tying to determine the exact geometry of the parent 
application is because I am trying to implement something like an 
invisible slider, a mode where the use can click+drag anywhere in the 
host application to change a certain value. Upon release the mode 
disables itself until a hotkey is pressed again.
E.g. if the host application is a video player, I am trying to implement 
a mode where the user can hit a hotkey, then click&drag anywhere in the 
player to scrub through the video.

I'm sure there are better ways to go about this (and I'd love to hear 
advise on this), but at the moment, as a proof of concept, I am creating 
a transparent widget that catches the mouse event and emits the required 
signal, and I'd like for that widget to perfectly sit on top of the 
parent app so if the user click/drags outside of it, it won't have any 

Ideally I'd just force the mouse event to my QObject rather than create 
an transparent widget, but I don't know if this is possible?

Does that make sense?


On 18/02/16 3:59 pm, Tony Rietwyk wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> I don't understand what you are asking!  Why do you expect that 
> changing the window size will change the position?  You say 'resulting 
> in an offset for my widget' - sounds like you are adding the new pos 
> instead of just using it?
> Tracking foreign native windows is pretty rare.  You need to provide a 
> cut-down version of what you are doing so others can easily run it.
> Regards,
> Tony
> *From:*Interest 
> [mailto:interest-bounces+tony=rightsoft.com.au at qt-project.org] *On 
> Behalf Of *Frank Rueter | OHUfx
> *Sent:* Thursday, 18 February 2016 8:14 AM
> *To:* interest at qt-project.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Interest] QApplication.activeWindow().pos() not 
> returning correct value after sacling on OSX
> anybody?
> is this a bug?
> On 16/02/16 12:21 pm, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am trying to figure out my host application's window geometry
>     reliably and am struggling a bit.
>     I use QApplication.activeWindow().geometry() to drive my custom
>     widget's geometry (I need to sit exactly on top of the host
>     application).
>     All works fine and my widget sits exactly on top of the host
>     application window, until the host app is scaled by dragging one
>     of it's sides out or in. After that
>     QApplication.activeWindow().geometry() still returns the same
>     exact position, though the size is correct, resulting in an offset
>     for my widget.
>     Turns out scaling windows on OSX by dragging their edges doesn't
>     seem to update QApplication.activeWindow().pos()
>     As soon as I grab the title bar and move the host app a tiny bit,
>     QApplication.activeWindow().pos() seems to be updated correctly.
>     Is there a fix/workaround for this?
>     Cheers,
>     frank
>     -- 
>     ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com>
>     *vfx compositing <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing>**|
>     **workflow customisation and consulting
>     <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising> *
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>     Interest mailing list
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> -- 
> ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com>
> *vfx compositing <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing>**| 
> **workflow customisation and consulting 
> <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising> *

ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com> 	*vfx compositing 
<http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing> | *workflow customisation 
and consulting <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising>* *

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