[Interest] QApplication.activeWindow().pos() not returning correct value after sacling on OSX
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
frank at ohufx.com
Thu Feb 18 07:34:38 CET 2016
Thanks again, Tony, this works perfectly for me now.
On 18/02/16 4:59 pm, Tony Rietwyk wrote:
> Hi Frank - sorry for replying to you directly before!
> Have you looked at event filtering? A derived QObject can monitor,
> and supress events going to another QObject - including windows. So:
> - when the hot key occurs, you installEventFilter on the current window,
> - if KeyPress Esc, then cancel,
> - if MousePress, then record start pos,
> - if MouseMove, then record the end pos
> - if MouseRelease, then record the end pos and finish
> When you finish or cancel, removeEventFilter. While active, you
> always suppress the event to stop if going to the target window.
> Hope that helps,
> Tony
> *From:*Frank Rueter | OHUfx [mailto:frank at ohufx.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, 18 February 2016 2:21 PM
> *To:* Tony Rietwyk
> *Cc:* interest at qt-project.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Interest] QApplication.activeWindow().pos() not
> returning correct value after sacling on OSX
> Hi Tony,
> sorry, let me clarify:
> QT's co-oridnate system starts at the top left, right?
> So when I scale the window by dragging the left side (or the top), the
> point of origin changes and thus I expect a different global position
> for the widget.
> The reason I am tying to determine the exact geometry of the parent
> application is because I am trying to implement something like an
> invisible slider, a mode where the use can click+drag anywhere in the
> host application to change a certain value. Upon release the mode
> disables itself until a hotkey is pressed again.
> E.g. if the host application is a video player, I am trying to
> implement a mode where the user can hit a hotkey, then click&drag
> anywhere in the player to scrub through the video.
> I'm sure there are better ways to go about this (and I'd love to hear
> advise on this), but at the moment, as a proof of concept, I am
> creating a transparent widget that catches the mouse event and emits
> the required signal, and I'd like for that widget to perfectly sit on
> top of the parent app so if the user click/drags outside of it, it
> won't have any effect.
> Ideally I'd just force the mouse event to my QObject rather than
> create an transparent widget, but I don't know if this is possible?
> Does that make sense?
> Cheers,
> frank
> On 18/02/16 3:59 pm, Tony Rietwyk wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> I don't understand what you are asking! Why do you expect that
> changing the window size will change the position? You say
> 'resulting in an offset for my widget' - sounds like you are
> adding the new pos instead of just using it?
> Tracking foreign native windows is pretty rare. You need to
> provide a cut-down version of what you are doing so others can
> easily run it.
> Regards,
> Tony
> *From:*Interest
> [mailto:interest-bounces+tony=rightsoft.com.au at qt-project.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Frank Rueter | OHUfx
> *Sent:* Thursday, 18 February 2016 8:14 AM
> *To:* interest at qt-project.org <mailto:interest at qt-project.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Interest] QApplication.activeWindow().pos() not
> returning correct value after sacling on OSX
> anybody?
> is this a bug?
> On 16/02/16 12:21 pm, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out my host application's window
> geometry reliably and am struggling a bit.
> I use QApplication.activeWindow().geometry() to drive my
> custom widget's geometry (I need to sit exactly on top of the
> host application).
> All works fine and my widget sits exactly on top of the host
> application window, until the host app is scaled by dragging
> one of it's sides out or in. After that
> QApplication.activeWindow().geometry() still returns the same
> exact position, though the size is correct, resulting in an
> offset for my widget.
> Turns out scaling windows on OSX by dragging their edges
> doesn't seem to update QApplication.activeWindow().pos()
> As soon as I grab the title bar and move the host app a tiny
> bit, QApplication.activeWindow().pos() seems to be updated
> correctly.
> Is there a fix/workaround for this?
> Cheers,
> frank
> --
> ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com>
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> ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com>
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