[Interest] qml <--> c++

jagernicolas at legtux.org jagernicolas at legtux.org
Sun Feb 28 05:15:33 CET 2016



in my main.qml I have this code :

 WebEngineView {
 id: webview
 url: ""
 anchors.fill: parent
 onNewViewRequested: {
 var w_ = crecreateObject()

when onNewViewRequested is called, I would like to open the url of the
request in the the same WebEngineView, not creating a new WebEngine. So
I was thinking to create some class who inherits of WebEngine.

I didn't found any class called WebEngine I can inherit, or I did not
found the header... but I found QWebEngine, so I did this :

// in CustomWebView.h
#pragma once
#include <QtWebEngineWidgets/QtWebEngineWidgets>

class CustomWebView : public QWebEngineView
 Q_PROPERTY(QString author READ author WRITE setAuthor NOTIFY

 CustomWebView(QWidget *parent);


I register the qml inside my main.cpp : 

 qmlRegisterType<CustomWebView>("customWebView", 1, 0, "CustomWebView");

and in my main.qml I did some changes/add :

import CustomWebView 1.0

 CustomWebView {
 id: webview
 url: ""
 anchors.fill: parent
// onNewViewRequested: {
// var w_ = crecreateObject()
// request.openIn(appWin.w_)
// }

but, when I compiled, I got the msg : Cannot assign to non-existent
property "url"

obviously, I didi some mistake, but where ?

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